Why is your SEO strategy not working?
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Why is your SEO strategy not working?

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

why is your seo strategy not working

If you're struggling with blog traffic, the problem is probably related to SEO and marketing and NOT the actual content. Sure, there are plenty of bad websites with mediocre content and poorly written posts. Many don't offer enough value, but even then, many mediocre blogs are still getting lots of traffic and making income through ad revenue and affiliate marketing.

So, what's their secret?

GREAT SEO PRACTICES. They know what works & what doesn't, and they use the right titles, keywords, and tricks to get a good ranking on Google.

What do I need to know about SEO?

Learning SEO (search engine optimization) can take months and even years. The truth is, SEO strategies, practices, methods, and tips are constantly changing. Sure, the basic SEO practices stay the same but failing to adapt regularly can cause a sharp decrease in your website and blog traffic.

The secret to SEO success is keeping up with the latest keywords, trends, adding backlinks, updating titles, and researching.

One of the most common questions people ask is: "Why is my SEO strategy not working?" or "Why am I not getting more traffic?"

The answer is a bit complex, but here's the basic takeaway: Google's search algorithm changes very often. It is usually updated faster than the average person can keep up. SEO is not dying, but it is rapidly changing. Most bloggers fail to keep up with the latest updates.

Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links. As a member of the Amazon Associates Program, I earn a commission on qualifying purchases.

Keep reading to find out the potential reasons why your SEO strategy is no longer working, and your blog traffic is not increasing.

Hint: Google is the main culprit!

Top 5 reasons why your SEO strategy is failing

There is more than one answer to why your SEO practices aren't working. I highly recommend doing your own research and reading about SEO from the pros. You can learn so many valuable tips and tricks. A small initial investment can lead to long-term success.

1. Your site lacks high-value links

This is the biggest reason my site isn't doing great with traffic. I don't have enough backlinks and high-value links. Links are very important for Google's search algorithm. If your blog doesn't have lots of links, then Google doesn't consider that the site is valuable enough for a good Google ranking.

To rank well on Google, you need lots of inbound links. Now, the way to get this is to market your content and hope people link back or recommend your posts. Buying links is usually a bad idea, and it can backfire if your site is perceived as spammy.

2. Lack of authority, trust, and relevance

Your blog should have a target audience or niche. The content should be mostly relevant to that niche or at least have lots of content about similar topics. You have to compare your content to that of other websites with the same niche and topics.

The content on your blog should be BETTER and offer more RELEVANT and HIGH-VALUE information for readers than the competing blog. Google picks the best answers to common questions. Just look at the "people ask questions" in the google search results to see what people are asking. Then, ask yourself, "is my blog helping to answer this?" If not, Google won't rank your blog at the top or as an answer for a question.

3. You're not monitoring the keywords

The annoying thing about SEO is that you need to monitor the keywords constantly. Your failure to keep up with the latest and most popular keywords can lead to decreased traffic. If you want your site to have the best short and long-tail keywords, you need to do some keyword research regularly.

Unfortunately for us bloggers, keywords are always changing and evolving. Keeping up with new keyword phrase opportunities is the best way to ensure your blog stays relevant in your niche.

Don't underestimate the power of related keywords, which can open up a minefield of new opportunities. The best way to go about keyword research is to make lists of relevant terms and phrases and then integrate them into your posts without keyword stuffing or overusing them.

4. Lack of a proper marketing strategy

Here's a small secret: even poorly written content can go viral if it is marketed properly. If you know how to market your blog posts, then you can get lots of traffic and clicks.

My best marketing tool is Pinterest. I create Pins for free on Canva, and then I post them to Pinterest. Every time I write a blog post, I make about 10 different pins for each post, and over time, I post them all to different Pinterest boards.

There are many ways to market your blog through Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Medium, Mix, etc. Make sure you have a good marketing strategy, and don't be afraid to over-market yourself and let everyone know about your blog.

The competition is always trying to outrank you and write better content than you. So, you have to innovate and create fresh blog posts and content for readers.

You should go back to your older posts and add more info or update them with new links, images, tips, etc.

5. Your content is not optimized

There is no quick fix for content that's not optimized. You have to go back to all your posts and make sure they are optimized for Google search.

  • Have a target keyword in the title tag.

  • Have the target keyword in the H1 (header 1) tag.

  • The target keyword must be used in the content but not too many times.

  • Have the target keyword in the alt text of the images you upload. Many people forget about optimizing images.

  • The H2 should include extra keywords that are related.

  • You need to have H1, H2, and H3 headings.


SEO is complicated. Once you implement the best strategies, it can take time before you see the results. But, don't feel discouraged because you can always improve certain aspects of your blog.

There is no universal SEO strategy. Just because someone succeeds in a specific niche or industry doesn't mean they'll have the same success within another niche. Some topics and niches are much more competitive than others, so it's much harder to rank well in those. But, if you challenge yourself to learn about SEO, you're more likely to succeed!

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