Offbeat Morning Routines from Around the World
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Offbeat Morning Routines from Around the World

I'm going to start by admitting I'm not a morning person at all. In fact, waking up can be hard before 8 AM. But when my alarm goes off, I have a pleasant wake up call from my cats and dog as well. They all come rushing to me, all excited about the new day and that kind of hypes me up too!

Have you ever wondered how people in different corners of the world kickstart their day?

Morning routines vary vastly across cultures, reflecting unique histories, environments, and beliefs. Let’s embark on a global journey and uncover some offbeat morning traditions.

Of course, most people around the world are busy and don't follow any traditions when it comes to morning routines but it's still fun to think about what a morning routine can ideally look like.

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The Importance of Morning Routines

Morning routines aren’t just about getting ready for work or school. They’re rituals deeply embedded in our lifestyles and cultures.

Setting the tone for the day How you start your morning often dictates how the rest of your day will unfold. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? A small change in your morning can lead to significant shifts in your day’s dynamics.

Health and wellness From a wellness perspective, morning routines can be crucial. They help set our mental state, prepare our bodies, and align our spirit for the challenges ahead.

Unique Morning Rituals

Our world is vast, and its morning rituals are a testament to its diversity. Let's dive into some fascinating customs!

Japan: Misogi

Misogi is a Shinto practice involving purification. Participants stand under waterfalls, allowing the cold water to cleanse their souls.

Imagine starting your day with a refreshing, albeit chilly, connection to nature! These days most people stand under shower heads, not waterfalls though :)

Imagine the lush smell of your favorite shower gel and the feeling of the droplets on your body.

Misogi is more than just a ritual; it's a profound embodiment of the Shinto belief in purification and renewal.

This practice, deeply rooted in Japan's spiritual culture, traces back centuries and is considered an essential method of cleansing not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well.

At its core, Misogi is all about rebirth. The act of standing under the waterfalls is akin to being enveloped by nature itself, with every drop of cold water acting as a purifier. As the icy streams cascade down on participants, it carries away impurities, negative energies, and even everyday worries and stresses.

While to outsiders it might seem like a mere cold shower, the nuances of this practice are profound. The locations of these waterfalls are not random. They are typically set in sacred, secluded spots surrounded by pristine forests and mountains.

Before even beginning the ritual, participants trek to these locations, which in itself is a reflective journey.

Additionally, participants often chant and meditate before and after the ritual, emphasizing the spiritual connection and invoking the divine spirits. This isn’t just about physical endurance; it's a holistic experience that combines nature, spirituality, and self-reflection.

For many, undergoing Misogi is not just a one-time act but a regular practice. The continuous cycle of purification and rebirth serves as a reminder of life's impermanence and the constant flux of nature. It underscores the idea that just as the seasons change, humans too can reinvent, renew, and purify themselves.

In an increasingly busy world where mornings are often rushed and mechanical, starting the day with a Misogi ritual offers a profound reconnection to nature, self, and spirituality.

And while not everyone can access these sacred waterfalls, the essence of Misogi – taking a moment to cleanse, reflect, and renew – is a lesson everyone can incorporate into their daily lives.

India: Sun Salutation

In India, many start their day with the Sun Salutation, or 'Surya Namaskar'. It's a series of yoga postures, thanking the sun for its energy and life. It's not just an exercise but a spiritual and meditative ritual.

The Sun Salutation, or 'Surya Namaskar', is one of the most iconic sequences in the world of yoga. Originating from India, this practice is a harmonious blend of physical movement and spiritual reverence. It's more than just a stretch; it's a tribute to the sun, a source of life and energy for our planet.

The name itself, 'Surya Namaskar', translates to 'bowing to the sun' or 'salute to the sun'. In the Vedic tradition, the sun is not just a celestial body but a living deity, a symbol of consciousness and the inner self.

Every morning, as the sun rises, it brings with it hope, new beginnings, and the promise of a fresh start. The Sun Salutation is a way of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for these blessings.

Each of the twelve postures in the Surya Namaskar sequence has a specific significance. They aren't just physical exercises; they correspond to the twelve zodiac signs and are imbued with mantras dedicated to the sun.

As practitioners move from one posture to the next, there's a flow of energy, a rhythmic dance that aligns the body, mind, and spirit.

Furthermore, the Sun Salutation is also a reflection of the cyclical nature of life. Just as the sun rises and sets, our lives are filled with ups and downs, joys and challenges. The fluidity of the sequence reminds us of the ebb and flow of existence and encourages resilience and adaptability.

In modern times, with the global spread of yoga, Surya Namaskar has become a universal practice.

However, its roots remain deeply embedded in Indian spirituality. For many in India, it's not just about flexibility or strength but connecting with a higher power, channeling positive energy, and setting intentions for the day ahead.

Embracing the Sun Salutation is not merely adopting a fitness routine but immersing oneself in an age-old tradition that celebrates life, nature, and the boundless power of the sun.

Whether you're in bustling Mumbai or a quiet village in Kerala, the practice remains a cherished morning ritual, uniting people in gratitude and reverence.

Spain: Chocolate and Churros

Forget the cereal; in Spain, many indulge in churros dipped in thick, hot chocolate. This delightful treat energizes Spaniards for their day ahead. Fancy a sugary twist to your morning?

In Spain, breakfast is an affair of tradition, culture, and sheer indulgence. When you think of Spanish mornings, the image that often comes to mind is of cozy cafes with locals seated at wooden tables, enjoying crispy churros dipped in velvety, rich chocolate.

But there's so much more to this iconic pairing than meets the eye.

Churros, sometimes referred to as "Spanish doughnuts", have a history that's as rich as the chocolate they're dipped in. Some believe they were introduced by Spanish shepherds, looking for an easy-to-cook treat in the mountains.

Others argue that they were inspired by the Chinese youtiao but were modified and made sweet by the Spanish. Regardless of their origins, churros have found a special place in Spain's heart (and palate).

These golden, crispy pastries, with their ridged surfaces perfect for holding onto liquid, are deep-fried till they attain a perfect crunch on the outside while remaining soft on the inside.

And when dipped in the thick hot chocolate, they transform into a harmonious blend of textures and flavors: the bitterness of the chocolate complemented by the sweet, sugary churro.

The Spanish hot chocolate is no ordinary beverage. It's a luscious concoction, thickened with cornstarch, making it almost pudding-like. It's more of a dip than a drink, specifically crafted to accompany the churro.

Sharing churros and chocolate isn't just about satisfying morning hunger; it's a social activity. Across Spain, from the bustling streets of Madrid to the coastal cafes in Valencia, you'll find friends and families enjoying this treat together, often paired with animated conversations and laughter.

In a world of green smoothies and protein bars, Spain's dedication to its indulgent breakfast of churros and chocolate stands out.

It's a testament to the country's commitment to tradition, pleasure, and the simple joys of life. While it might not be the healthiest start to the day, it surely is one of the most soul-satisfying, encapsulating the warm, passionate spirit of Spain in every bite.

Brazil: Beach Exercise

Brazilians adore their beaches and rightfully so! It's common to see morning joggers, football players, and even group workout sessions on the sandy shores. The sound of waves and the fresh sea breeze? What a way to wake up!

Brazil, a nation bursting with vibrancy, culture, and an undying passion for life, has an unparalleled love affair with its sprawling coastlines.

The country's beaches aren't just stretches of sand and surf; they're integral to the Brazilian way of life, acting as communal hubs where social, recreational, and even spiritual activities converge.

Waking up in cities like Rio de Janeiro or Salvador, one is instantly drawn to the allure of the coastline. As dawn breaks, the beaches transform into pulsating arenas of energy and enthusiasm. The golden sands, glistening under the soft morning sun, become Brazil's most dynamic gyms. And what's remarkable is the sheer diversity of physical activities that unfold.

You'll find lithe figures sprinting across the sand, leaving behind a trail of footprints, as they harness the resistance of the soft ground to enhance their workouts.

Football, a religion in Brazil, sees spontaneous matches erupting, with barefooted players showcasing dazzling skills, their laughter echoing with every goal scored.

Then there are the group workouts. Samba-dancing groups, capoeira circles, and even aerobics sessions are set against the mesmerizing backdrop of the azure sea.

These group activities aren't just about physical well-being; they're communal experiences, fostering bonds and reinforcing the Brazilian spirit of unity and joy.

Adding to the experience is the refreshing sea breeze, laden with the scent of salt and freedom. It invigorates the senses, making every leap higher and every jog a tad easier. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing acts as a natural soundtrack, providing a therapeutic melody that calms the mind even as the body is pushed to its limits.

For many Brazilians, the beach isn't just a place; it's a philosophy. It symbolizes an embrace of nature, community, and the sheer joy of existence.

The morning exercise routines on the beach are a reflection of this ethos, blending the physical, social, and spiritual into a seamless tapestry of life. This unique combination ensures that Brazilians don't just wake up to a new day; they truly celebrate its arrival, one beach workout at a time.

Turkey: Kahvaltı Time

Kahvaltı means 'before coffee' in Turkish. It's a spread of cheeses, olives, tomatoes, and more, shared with family. It signifies starting the day together, as a unit.

In Turkey, mornings have a unique rhythm, a cadence marked by tradition, community, and flavors that tantalize the palate. At the heart of this morning ritual lies Kahvaltı, the quintessential Turkish breakfast. But Kahvaltı is so much more than just a meal; it's a cultural institution, a symbol of togetherness and the shared joy of beginning a new day.

The term 'Kahvaltı' may translate to 'before coffee', but the spread itself is a lavish affair. Turkish coffee is delicious btw, in case you haven't tried it yet.

Tables are adorned with an array of dishes that encompass the rich and diverse Turkish culinary landscape. Soft white cheeses, often juxtaposed with aged and crumbly varieties, sit alongside bowls of gleaming black and green olives.

Freshly sliced tomatoes, bursting with flavor, are arranged alongside crisp cucumbers, their freshness acting as a counterpoint to the more intense flavors on the table.

But the star of the show is often the bread. Warm, freshly baked loaves or flaky pastries, sometimes stuffed with fillings like feta or minced meat, are passed around, inviting hands to tear and share.

Accompaniments like honey, clotted cream, and a selection of jams made from fruits like figs, cherries, and quince further elevate the experience, allowing for a play of sweet and savory in every bite.

Eggs, too, find their place at the Kahvaltı table, whether scrambled with tangy tomatoes and peppers in the dish known as 'Menemen' or simply boiled to perfection.

The beverages? Traditional Turkish tea, brewed to a deep red, is sipped from delicate tulip-shaped glasses, warming hands and hearts alike.

But beyond the food, Kahvaltı is about kinship. In a world that often rushes through meals, the Turkish dedication to leisurely breakfasts stands out.

Families gather, stories are exchanged, and laughter fills the air. It's a moment of pause, a collective breath taken before the day's hustle commences.

In essence, Kahvaltı is not just nourishment for the body, but for the soul. It encapsulates the Turkish ethos of hospitality, warmth, and the belief that meals are best enjoyed in good company.

As dawn breaks over cities like Istanbul or the tranquil towns along the Aegean coast, Kahvaltı time ensures that Turkey wakes up not just to a feast of flavors, but to the cherished embrace of family and tradition.


Morning routines reflect the rich tapestry of global cultures. Whether it’s purifying under a Japanese waterfall or munching on churros in Spain, these traditions teach us about the beauty of diversity. So, why not switch up your morning routine tomorrow? Who knows, it might just transform your day!

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